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Book Shimla taxi for a comfortable journey through the beautiful hills. Shimla taxi service ensures a hassle-free ride with experienced drivers. Affordable Shimla taxi fares make exploring this charming town accessible. Enjoy scenic views and smooth rides. Contact Shimla taxi service today for an unforgettable trip.
Hatchback - 1200 INR, Sedan-1300 INR, SUV-1500 INR, Tempo Traveller-2500 INR Shimla Taxi Service Fares Taxi Service in Shimla
Hatchback - 1600 INR, Sedan-1800 INR, SUV-2500 INR, Tempo Traveller-3500 INR
Hatchback - 1200 INR, Sedan-1500 INR INR, SUV-2500 INR, Tempo Traveller-3500 INR
Hatchback - 2000 INR, Sedan-2500 INR, SUV-3500 INR, Tempo Traveller-4500
Hatchback - 2200 INR, Sedan-3000 INR, SUV-3500 INR, Tempo Traveller-4500
Hatchback - 2200 INR, Sedan-2500 INR, SUV-3500 INR, Tempo Traveller-4500
Hatchback - 600 INR, Sedan-700 INR, SUV-1000 INR, Tempo Traveller-1500 INR
Hatchback - 500 INR, Sedan-600 INR, SUV-800 INR, Tempo Traveller-1500 INR
Hatchback - 1400 INR, Sedan-1500 INR, SUV-2500 INR, Tempo Traveller-3500 INR
Hatchback - 2500 INR, Sedan-3000 INR, SUV-3500 INR, Tempo Traveller-6500 INR
Hatchback - 6200 INR, Sedan-7500 INR, SUV-10500 INR, Tempo Traveller-13500 INR
Hatchback - 5000 INR, Sedan-6500 INR, SUV-7500 INR, Tempo Traveller-9500 INR
Hatchback - 4500 INR, Sedan-5500 INR, SUV-7500 INR, Tempo Traveller-9500 INR
Hatchback - 5500 INR, Sedan-7000 INR, SUV-9000 INR, Tempo Traveller-13000 INR
Hatchback - 6500 INR, Sedan-7500 INR, SUV-9500 INR, Tempo Traveller-12500 INR
Hatchback - 12500 INR, Sedan-15000 INR, SUV-25000 INR, Tempo Traveller-28500 INR
Hatchback - 12000 INR, Sedan-13500 INR, SUV-25500 INR, Tempo Traveller-37500 INR
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No, the rates of our taxi service in shimla may changes keeping in view season and off-season demands.
You can enjoy our cab service in shimla day tour for 8 to 10 hours without paying any extra cost. Shimla sightseeing taxi day tours normally starts at 09:30 AM to 07;00 PM in the evening.TO and FRO.
No, you don't have to shell any single penny on driver food or parking because the charges are all inclusive.
Yes, our price includes all kind of tolls or driver night or state tax charges in the above-mentioned prices only.
Yes, certainly to avoid any communication gap with foreign language guests we do provide English speaking chauffer's for streamline communication during tour.
Certainly, for any inconvenience you can directly contact our shimla cab service office and they will be happy to assist you to resolve all of your queries.
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